The Silent Route best National Motorcycle Tourism Route

“The Silent Route”, the panoramic road created by the Comarcas del Maestrazgo and Andorra-Sierra de Arcos, has been awarded as the Best National Route at the Mototurismo 2022 gala. “It is a great honor to obtain this award. An enormous satisfaction that the more than 100 people who made up the jury have selected our project. El Maestrazgo is a region that leaves its mark on visitors. This award is the fruit of a job well done, which also encourages us to continue thinking and projecting our land throughout the country”, explained Marta Sancho, president of the Andorra Sierra de Arcos Region.

The road that connects both regions has been chosen from a total of five candidates that have reached the final of the first edition of the Mototurismo Awards, held in Madrid. The event, presented by the journalist Valentín Requena, brought together different tourism agents and professionals from the motorcycle tourism sector, such as the Royal Spanish Motorcycle Federation. “This award consolidates us in motorcycle tourism, due to the exceptional nature of The Silent Route. Go through natural environments and landscapes that are gaining more and more followers among motor lovers. The award helps us gain notoriety and popularity”, explained Roberto Rabaza, president of the Comarca del Maestrazgo, who adds that “the route is made up of 63 km of curves, straight lines and beautiful views of extensive and unforgettable landscapes. Since we launched it, the influx has gradually increased on the route and in both regions”.

With silence by the flag, The Silent Route crosses the heart of Teruel. The Órganos de Montoro, the source of the Pitarque river, the El Campillo aerodrome or the remains of the first paper factory in Spain stand out on the panoramic tour that, starting this weekend, highlights the Spanish motorcycling sector.

The rest of the winners were:

Les to Les Portugal International Route.
Entities. Royal Spanish Motorcycle Federation.
Traveling motorcycle. BMW R1250GS
Innovation. Touratech.
Hospitality and Restoration. Ruralka On road.
Featured Trip. Charlie Sinewan.
Corners of interest. Alcala Henares Museum. Made in Spain.
Media. Motoviajeros digital magazine.
Initiative. Meeting Great Travelers.
Content Creators. Photography. Silvia Caballero Gago, Blog and podcast. Dave Martinez. The motorcycle traveler.

You can see the full gala by clicking here.

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