Pitarque, Aliaga, Miravete de la Sierra, Villarroya de los Pinares, Allepuz, Fortanete, Cuarto Pelado. 81 kms.

This route starts from Pitarqueand runs toward Aliaga, on another road, surprising both due to its layout and due to the views it offers. From there it heads to Miravete de la Sierra, Villarroya de los Pinares, both Historic-Artistic Sites; you can turn off to visit Allepuz and return in the direction of Fortanete to end in the Cuarto Pelado pass.  On the route you must stop in all the villages, as they offer streets and corners that will speak to you of their splendorous past linked to production and commerce of wool. Don’t miss a visit to Aliaga Geological Parkand, if you like walking, theCamino de los Pilones between Villarroya de los Pinares and Allepuz.

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