Villarluengo y Montoro de Mezquita

Villarluengo is amass of houses that hang over the ravine. The square is presided by the neoclassic Church of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción facing the sober town hall that opens the square. Travelling its streets, we encounter vestiges of the old wall that closed the hamlet, some stately mansions and the famed Balcon de los Forasteros, which is the best panoramic view of these heights.

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Montoro de Mezquita

Located in the shelter of the cliffs, on the winding flow of the Guadalope River, is the small hamlet of Montoro de Mezquita, without a doubt a unique enclave. It is worthwhile to deviate from the road and travel the small valley that gives shelter to this population of just 10 inhabitants that has a dazzling environment.

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