The Silent Route will be the venue for the Mototurismo 2023 Awards Gala

We are in luck!!!

The organising committee of the Mototourism Awards has chosen THE SILENT ROUTE as the venue for the 2023 Awards Gala, to be held from 9 to 11 June 2023.

After the evaluation of the different candidatures, The Silent Route has been selected for its high score in the different facets and requirements:

  1. Motorbike tourism environment of great attraction for travellers.
  2. Recognition of the promotion of motorbike tourism carried out by the regions of Maestrazgo and Andorra Sierra de Arcos in favour of motorbike tourism.
  3. Institutional interest in the promotion of motorbike tourism in little known regions.
  4. Recognition as winner in the National Route category of the 2022 edition.
  5. Adequate hotel facilities and halls for the celebration of the gala.
  6. Ease of communication and cordial treatment with the technicians responsible for the La Ruta del Silencio project.

More information will be provided soon about a gala that will be very special, with many new activities, for the enjoyment of the participants and the citizens of the regions where it will be filmed over a whole weekend.

Cartel inicio ruta

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